Next year I will be hosting ROBARCH 2024: Beyond Optimization with a team of colleagues from the University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan University and the University of Waterloo.

May 21-25, 2024 – the ROBARCH conference will include: three days of intensive workshops, two days of conference presentations and a number of keynotes and special events.

The growing presence of robotics in art, research, design, and construction has changed the way we practice and think through our tools. Since 2012, when the first ROBARCH conference was held, the role of robotics in creative practices and manufacturing industries has grown, shifted, and evolved. Robots are no longer a shiny novelty restricted to niche research proposals but are now a fundamental technical tool for interfacing between digital and physical worlds.

See our website for full details and to participate!

Jonathon Anderson
Maria Yablonina
Nicholas Hoban
Paul Harrison
Brady Peters
David Correa