- 20K House, Rural Studio
- Advanced Geometry Unit, Arup (UK) – led by Cecil Balmond
- After Architecture
- Andy Goldsworthy
- Arboreal Media, Shannon Mattern
- Architects Declare
- Architecture Lobby
Architecture Workshop
- Arcosanti (Paolo Soleri, USA)
- Assemble Studio
- Atlas-1 Trestle
- Autoprogettazione, Enzo Mari
- Balloon Frame
- Barn Raising
- Beaver Dam
- Before Building
- Beign Breagh Hall (Alexander Graham Bell)
- Bird Nests
- Blackmountain College (USA)
- BLDGBLOG, Geoff Manaugh
- Bluhmer Lehman
- Blunk House, JB Blunk
- Broken World Model of Design, Kiel Moe (Lecture at Cooper Union 2022)
- BTACP – training hangars
- Bucksaw Chair
- Burton House, Richard Burton, family and friends
- Cambio, Formafantasmaa
- Canada and the United States in the Year 2092
- Carlo Scarpa
- Charlotte Malterre-Berthes
- Chatham Dockyards. Slip 3, 1838
- Children’s Forest Pavilion
- Ciaran Malik Diagrams –
- Citizen Architect – film about Rural Studio
- Compass Timber
- Connectivity Atlas
- Cooking Sections
- Cork House, Matthew Barnett Howland and Dido Milne
- Crowther Lab Maps at ETH Zurich
- Cybernetic Zoo
- Daily Overview
- Dan Grayber
- Dan Ridley-Ellis
- David Nash
- Densely-packed Timber Blocks, Sebastien Birch
- Design to Production
- Devonport Naval Dockyard
- Dragon Bridge (reciprocal frame)
- Drawing Matters, Shatwell Farm
- dRMM Architects
- Dymaxion House, Buckminster Fuller
- Eames Chair
- Eames House, Eames Office
- Eames Office (Industrial Production)
- Eleanor Lakelin
- Eleanor Lutz
- Element5
- English Longbow
- Ensamble Studio
- Fellowship of the Tree Rings podcast
- Fir Tree House, Frank Lloyd Wright
- Fisher House, Louis Kahn
- Formafantasmaa
- FrameRate – film produced by Scanlab
- Ghost Lab (Brian MacKay Lyons + Richard Kroeker)
- Gingko Tree
- Giuseppe Penone
- Growing a Ship in a Yew Forest Over 200 Years
- Haida House (British Columbia, CA)
- Half of a Good House, Alejandro Aravena
- Half Studio
- Haliburton Forest
- Hooke Park
- Horyuji Temple, 600/700 AD
- House & Restaurant – junya ishigami + associates
- ILEK Building – Frei Otto and others
- James Bridle
- Jeff Allen
- Jersey Devil – Jim Adamson, Steve Badanes, and John Ringel
- John Grade Studio
- John Makepeace
- Jonathon Anderson
- JustBeWoodsy
- Kiel Moe’s Black Barn
- Laura Welsh
- Lebbeus Woods blog
- Leg Splint by Eames Office
- Leonardo Devinci codex
- LifeMap
- Lighter Than Air Hangar – Tillamook, 1942
- Lightning Map
- List of Common Misconceptions
- Log Cabin
- Lost Rivers of Toronto Map
- Love Letter to Plywood – film by Tom Sachs studio
- Lunenburg Academy
- Maison Demontable, Jean Prouve
- Mannheim Multihalle – Frei Otto and others
- Material Cultures
- Mattaforma
- Mi’kmaq Online – Dictionary
- Mosquito airplane frame
- NK Kuo
- Northmen Guild
- Not Far From the Tree
- NYC Street Tree Map
- Okohaus, Frei Otto
- Ontario’s Old Growth Trees
- Opalis
- Open City, Valparaiso (Godfreddo Llomi, and the architect Alberto Cruz)
- Oton Jugovec, floating agricultural barn
- Paul Howard Harrison
- Parnham College
- Pictou Landing Health Centre – Richard Kroeker
- Pikionis Path, Greece
- Plain Design Build
- Plant Drawings - Wageningen University & Research - Image Collections
- Platform Frame
- Powers of Ten – film by Charles and Ray Eames
- Practice Landscape
- Practice Landscape - Barn Walled Garden
- Primitive Hut, Laugier
- Prototype House, Hooke Park
- RawLam, Tom Svilans
- Redwood Logging, 1946
- Richard Serra’s studio
- Right is Wrong, Jonathon Meades
- Roof Framing Geometry Blog
- Root System Drawings
- Rotor Deconstruction and Consulting
- Rural Studio (Samuel Mockbee + Andrew Freer/Elena Barthel)
- Salisbury Cathedral Spire
- Sanctuary of the Unseen Forest, Marshmallow Laser Feast
- Scale of the Universe
- ScanLab
- Sebastien Cox
- Segal Self-Build Method, Walter Segal
- Seiwa Exhibition Hall
- Shannon Mattern – Words in Space
- Shatwell Farm – Somerset, UK
- Ship of the Line
- Slovenian Barns
- Solar Canopy – EarthCentre, Doncaster, UK
- Spruce Goose (airplane)
- Strandbeest, Theo Jansen
- Street Farm
- StructureCraft
- Studio Bark
- Studio North
- Studio Wombling – Talking Trash
- Tacoma Dome, 1983
- Taliesin East + West (Frank Lloyd Wright)
- Ten Bullets – film from Tom Sachs studio
- Tetrahedral Kites, Alexander Graham Bell
- The River 1938
- Timber Wars NPR. Podcast
- Toronto Mill Building
- Tree Fork Truss – building in Hooke Park, UK
- Trees by Man – drawing series by Michael Amery
- Turner Exhibits
- Tythe Barn
- U-Build – Studio Bark
- Valerie Trouet
- Viking Longboat
- Walden Cabin
- Wasp Nests
- Weald and Downland Living Museum (UK)
- Westminster Hall’s wood frame roof (London, UK)
- WhateverTree – Isaac King
- Whole Trees Inventory Platform
- Wilkhahn Production Pavilions – Frei Otto
- Windows of New York
- WoHo Lab, Ensamble Studio Project
- Wooden Trestle Bridges
- Woodland Cabin – Hooke Park, UK
- Woodwose
- Writing Without Words
- Xylotek
- Yurt
- Zollinger Barn, Garkau Farm, 1925