Dark Room

A fully enclosed Dark Room developed by Design + Make students as part of their Term 1 introductory studios.

Students began their work from an inherited primary structure - a full scale laminated timber model of Le Corbusier’s Dom-Ino House (1914-15) developed for the 2014 Venice Bienalle by AA’s Valentin Bontjes van Beek. With a condensed time frame, a design strategy was initiated whereby a large oversailing roof plane would first be constructed to offer protected work on site, while the careful design of an insert was fully resolved. The final structure contains both a dark room for developing and a light room to spend time in. Its commpletion enabled the undertaking of a number of exciting short programs with students looking into analog photographic techniques.
Florencia Rodriguez
Francisco Adriasola
Jack Fogel
Lucas Wilson
Tom Dawson
Unha Park
Charlie Corrywright
Edward Coe
Jack Draper
Martin Self
Student Work