Robotic Fabrications VS
An edit produced with Kate Davies and Emmanuel Vercruysse which tracks the activities of our 2016 program Chainsaw Choreographies.
Initiated in 2016, Robotic Fabrications AA Visiting School operated for two years as a research branch of the Design + Make program.

Robotic Fabrications was an annual two week intensive workshop which each year saw 16 participants join us in Hooke Park from around the world. Applying traditional techniques and tools alongside digital fabrication tools and 3D scanning the program aimed to develop innovative processes for the production of architecture.
‘Chainsaw Choreographies’ (2016) explored the precision, petrol-fuelled territory where code meets chainsaw, where ‘Bandsaw Manouevres’ (2017) investigated the flexible limits of a tensed blade. In 2018 I presented our work titled ‘Altered Behaviour: The Performative Nature of Manufacture’ at RobArch.
Emmanuel Vercruysse
Gary Edwards
Michael Arnett
Pradeep Devadass
Valerie Bennett (Photography)