Tools for Close Observation

Seminar course aimed at developing students’ skills in measurement and observation. Taking the Daniels Faculty’s 1 Spadina building as a subject, students learned tools through hands-on work.

Students were first measured their assigned spaces by hand with the help of tape measures and graph pads. They then returned to the same spaces armed with a variety of 3D scanning toolsets. For a final assignment, each group was tasked with making and presenting an observation about the space from their time spent looking closely at it.
All images shown are the work of students who participated in the seminar course.
Abdul Rahman Syed
Adrian Yu
Alex Liao
Aya Bakaraki
Ayesha Naushad Meeran
Brian Lee
Cameron Manore
Cathy Qiu
Chen Tong
Daniela Fiorina Maria Risi
Dara Iyad Abu Khajil
Darien Timur Mirzoev
David James Siddall
Edna Kristina Antonio Peralta
Farah Ramzi
Haseena Nasrin Doost
Jacob Joseph Di Matteo
Jenny Zhang
Kelly Shu Yi Tse
Kylie Ann Nivins
Lester Kong
Maria Chen Liang
Mateusz Bai Lin Grabowski
Natalia Chung Ling Chan
Peggy Xiao
Ruijie Liu
Sariah Hurd
Seine Pak
Sofia Silanteva
Taha Jamshidi Bandari
Tami Ayeye
Tiffany Tian Hui Jiang
Tomi Debbie Bamigbade
Tony Zhang
Veronica Chankov
Yijia Huang
Yixuan Zhang
Young-Mi Kim
3D Scanning
Student Work