Chainsaw Chair

A chair robotically carved out of a unique piece of tree.

This work was created in response to a particular tree branch junction. The raw wood was first 3D scanned through photogrammetry; a handful of planar cuts were carefully oriented to its mass on screen; and then carried out by a robot held chainsaw. The branch junction was disregarded during a tree harvest due to its swirling grain. In this chair, the same grain is valued and elevated.
This project was developed as the product of a short introduction workshop for Design + Make students. Over three days the project enabled students to engage hands-on with both photogrammetric 3D scanning and digital fabrication procedures. The chair found a home inside the Woodland Cabin we developed in 2019.
The Chainsaw Chair was exhibited as a part of CREATECH ‘23.
Jean-Nicolas Dackiw
Carolina M. R. S. Menezes