Woodland Heritage
Article written for WH’s Annual Journal. In 1000 words the piece explores long time forester Christopher Sadd and my take on the past, present and future of Hooke Park.

Lead in:
In 2002 the Architectural Association School of Architecture (the AA), a design school found within a line of Georgian townhomes on London’s Bedford Square, took on a bold new venture, acquiring a 350-acre forest in Dorset to establish a second home. As grounds of an ancient woodland and host to an earlier design college, Hooke Park is an unusual site which since the early 1980s has fostered a productive collaboration between forest management and design practices. A growing educational campus is located at its centre; there’s no place quite like it.
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Christopher Sadd is Hooke Park’s Head Forester. He has managed the site’s forest for 30 years and has provided the raw materials for each project you will find on the site.
Woodland Heritage is an exciting organisation whose goal is to be instrumental in developing the resources and skills necessary for producing quality wood products made of timber from healthy, well-managed trees grown and processed in the UK.